Atlas Greenway Partners, LLC is a newly formed entity jointly owned by two real estate companies, E-KAT, and KALU, LLC. Our goal is to professionalize and scale the home renovation business – to provide an audited, transparent opportunity for individuals without a real estate background to passively invest in this high-return segment of the market.
EKAT, was originally organized by Atlas Greenway co-founder, Chris Johnson, in 2003 as a real estate appraisal firm operating under the name Johnson Property Solutions, LLC. The firm grew to 6 full time appraisers with clerical support staff by 2005, making it one of the larger fee appraisal firms in the city. Mr. Johnson expanded the business to include the renovation of homes, focusing on the working class neighborhoods of Kenner and the West Bank until Hurricane Katrina brought all business to a standstill. Mr. Johnson repositioned the Company to work with the State of Louisiana to implement the Road Home Program during which JPS appraisers completed over 6,000 property valuations for the program with revenues in excess of $1 Million. In response to the financial crisis of 2008 the firm added property tax representation to its services. Beginning in early 2013, recovery from Katrina was reaching critical mass, which created opportunities for E-KAT to reenter the New Orleans renovation market on a larger scale.